No Attorney-Client Relationship

The use of this Virtlaw website is governed by the following terms:

  1. No Automatic Attorney-Client Relationship: Visiting or using this website does not automatically establish an attorney-client relationship between you and Virtlaw, nor does it confer any legal obligations or privileges upon you. Such a relationship is only created when you take the specific step of signing a formal engagement letter or a similar contractual agreement with Virtlaw during our checkout process.

  2. Engagement Letter Requirement: It is crucial to understand that an attorney-client relationship is not formed solely by accessing or interacting with this website, even if you engage in discussions with us regarding future representation or any ancillary matters. The pivotal step in establishing such a relationship is the execution of our limited scope engagement contract and the payment of the Virtlaw monthly plan of your choice. Our engagement contract clearly outlines the specific terms and conditions governing our legal services.

No Expectation of Confidentiality

  1. Confidentiality and Privilege: While this website provides a submission form and contact information for requesting our assistance, any information voluntarily provided through this website to Virtlaw may not be treated as confidential or privileged until a formal attorney-client relationship has been established. This information may be subject to disclosure as required by applicable laws. Therefore, we strongly advise against disclosing confidential information related to you or your business through these channels. Confidential matters should only be discussed once you have completed the onboarding process with Virtlaw and solely through our Virtlaw Dashboard or other communication methods as directed by our attorneys.

Do Not Rely on the Information Contained on this Site

  1. General Information: The information presented on this website is intended to be of a general nature and does not apply to any specific situation, whether it pertains to factual, legal, financial, insurance, or other matters. While we make efforts to ensure the content on our website is relevant and informative, it is important to recognize that laws are subject to change. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the completeness, accuracy, or currency of all the content provided. We strongly recommend seeking professional advice tailored to your particular circumstances rather than relying solely on the information contained on our website.

Contact Us for More Information

  1. Get in Touch: If you have any questions or concerns about this disclaimer or any other aspect of Virtlaw's services, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are available to provide clarity and assistance as needed. Your understanding of these terms is essential, and we appreciate your consideration of Virtlaw for your legal needs.

    Effective Date: October 4, 2023


No Attorney-Client Relationship

The use of this Virtlaw website is governed by the following terms:

  1. No Automatic Attorney-Client Relationship: Visiting or using this website does not automatically establish an attorney-client relationship between you and Virtlaw, nor does it confer any legal obligations or privileges upon you. Such a relationship is only created when you take the specific step of signing a formal engagement letter or a similar contractual agreement with Virtlaw during our checkout process.

  2. Engagement Letter Requirement: It is crucial to understand that an attorney-client relationship is not formed solely by accessing or interacting with this website, even if you engage in discussions with us regarding future representation or any ancillary matters. The pivotal step in establishing such a relationship is the execution of our limited scope engagement contract and the payment of the Virtlaw monthly plan of your choice. Our engagement contract clearly outlines the specific terms and conditions governing our legal services.

No Expectation of Confidentiality

  1. Confidentiality and Privilege: While this website provides a submission form and contact information for requesting our assistance, any information voluntarily provided through this website to Virtlaw may not be treated as confidential or privileged until a formal attorney-client relationship has been established. This information may be subject to disclosure as required by applicable laws. Therefore, we strongly advise against disclosing confidential information related to you or your business through these channels. Confidential matters should only be discussed once you have completed the onboarding process with Virtlaw and solely through our Virtlaw Dashboard or other communication methods as directed by our attorneys.

Do Not Rely on the Information Contained on this Site

  1. General Information: The information presented on this website is intended to be of a general nature and does not apply to any specific situation, whether it pertains to factual, legal, financial, insurance, or other matters. While we make efforts to ensure the content on our website is relevant and informative, it is important to recognize that laws are subject to change. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the completeness, accuracy, or currency of all the content provided. We strongly recommend seeking professional advice tailored to your particular circumstances rather than relying solely on the information contained on our website.

Contact Us for More Information

  1. Get in Touch: If you have any questions or concerns about this disclaimer or any other aspect of Virtlaw's services, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are available to provide clarity and assistance as needed. Your understanding of these terms is essential, and we appreciate your consideration of Virtlaw for your legal needs.

    Effective Date: October 4, 2023


No Attorney-Client Relationship

The use of this Virtlaw website is governed by the following terms:

  1. No Automatic Attorney-Client Relationship: Visiting or using this website does not automatically establish an attorney-client relationship between you and Virtlaw, nor does it confer any legal obligations or privileges upon you. Such a relationship is only created when you take the specific step of signing a formal engagement letter or a similar contractual agreement with Virtlaw during our checkout process.

  2. Engagement Letter Requirement: It is crucial to understand that an attorney-client relationship is not formed solely by accessing or interacting with this website, even if you engage in discussions with us regarding future representation or any ancillary matters. The pivotal step in establishing such a relationship is the execution of our limited scope engagement contract and the payment of the Virtlaw monthly plan of your choice. Our engagement contract clearly outlines the specific terms and conditions governing our legal services.

No Expectation of Confidentiality

  1. Confidentiality and Privilege: While this website provides a submission form and contact information for requesting our assistance, any information voluntarily provided through this website to Virtlaw may not be treated as confidential or privileged until a formal attorney-client relationship has been established. This information may be subject to disclosure as required by applicable laws. Therefore, we strongly advise against disclosing confidential information related to you or your business through these channels. Confidential matters should only be discussed once you have completed the onboarding process with Virtlaw and solely through our Virtlaw Dashboard or other communication methods as directed by our attorneys.

Do Not Rely on the Information Contained on this Site

  1. General Information: The information presented on this website is intended to be of a general nature and does not apply to any specific situation, whether it pertains to factual, legal, financial, insurance, or other matters. While we make efforts to ensure the content on our website is relevant and informative, it is important to recognize that laws are subject to change. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the completeness, accuracy, or currency of all the content provided. We strongly recommend seeking professional advice tailored to your particular circumstances rather than relying solely on the information contained on our website.

Contact Us for More Information

  1. Get in Touch: If you have any questions or concerns about this disclaimer or any other aspect of Virtlaw's services, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are available to provide clarity and assistance as needed. Your understanding of these terms is essential, and we appreciate your consideration of Virtlaw for your legal needs.

    Effective Date: October 4, 2023